Monday, 17 December 2012

Ask Me: Easy DIY Spa Day

Hey guys!

With Christmas coming up, god knows how much more stress is getting piled onto us. I mean, who can possibly deal with all that shopping, wrapping and end-of-term tests? It's enough to make you scream!

The solution to this frenzy? A treat-yourself, do it yourself spa day! This is a super simple snow day activity. Heck, maybe you could even do it on a non-snow-day! Here are a few ideas for treatments:

  1. Pumpkin Scrub: Take 1/4 cup cooked pumpkin, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 1 tablespoon of almond/olive/jojoba oil, 1 tablespoon ground coffee and juice squeezed from 1/2 a lemon. Mix ingredients in a large bowl. Apply on any rough areas and wait before rinsing.
  2. Cucumber Eye-pads: Make a pint of cucumber juice. Take cotton pads, soak with the cucumber juice. Freeze. When you need to use the eye-pads, take out the cucumber pads, and thaw for 5 minutes before applying. (Hint: Make more so you can use the eye-pads everyday!) 
  3. Yoghurt-Honey Facial Mask: Take 1 cup of yoghurt and mix with 1/4 cup of honey. Apply to face and wait 10-20 minutes before rinsing off. 
  4. Lavender-Rose Face Steam: Fill up a basin or tub with hot water. Add one drop each of lavender and rose essential oils to the water and allow to steam for a few seconds. Take a towel and hold it over your head while you hold your face over the tub. 
I know what I'll be doing this weekend! Good luck, and try out these treatments! :) 

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